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Input Peripherals

ColorPro Plotter, Model 7440

Hewlett-Packard -- San Diego Color Imaging Divisio

Designed for the business professional, ColorPro Plotter, Model 7440creates impressive color desktop presentation graphics on overheadtransparency film and vivid report graphics on regular and glossy paper.ColorPro's lightweight, compact design makes it ideal for desktop usewith a personal computer or workstation.With an addressable step size of 0.025 mm (0. inch), the plotter candraw smooth circles, crisp characters, and ruler-straight lines, even onthe diagonal. With a high repeatability, output from the ColorProplotter has properly aligned charts and circles that close. ColorPro'seight-pen carousel provides access to a spectrum of colors in twodifferent tip widths. The pens are automatically capped when not in useto prolong pen life, and one carousel holds both paper and transparencypens. ColorPro plotter comes with one of two interface options -- RS-232C/CCIT V.24 or HP-IB (IEEE 488-1978). When graphics needs expand, aROM cartridge slot lets the Color plotter keep up with changing needs.The Graphics Enhancement Cartridge, available as an accessory, adds morecapabilities to the ColorPro plotter, such as larger RS-232C buffer andhandshaking similar to the HP 7475A.

Source Avail: No
Product Special Handling: None.
Operating Systems: Solaris Sparc 1.0

Hewlett-Packard -- San Diego Color Imaging Divisio
16399 W Bernardo Dr
San Diego, CA 92127
Phone: (619) 487-4100
        (800) 752-0900
Fax: (619) 655-4912